United States Postal Service Judicial Officer Department

Electronic Filing System

USPS Portal Filing Guide

Request Account:
1. To create an account on the Judicial Officer Department Electronic Filing System website,
go to https://usps-judicialoffice.journaltech.com/public-portal.
2. Select Register Account in the upper right corner.
3. This will bring up the Account Request screen, which you must complete.
4. After completing the correct user information, you must agree with the Terms of Use by
selecting the Check Box. You must also correctly complete the CAPTCHA field.
5. You will not be able to submit your request until all the information is provided correctly.
Once you have completed the form, select “Create new account”.
6. Once you have submitted your request, you will receive an email notification that your
request has been submitted. All Account Requests are automatically accepted. The email
will contain a one timeone-time link that will allow you to set a password for your account.
7. By clicking on the link, it will open your browser and provide you with a onetime login button.
Select “Log in”.
8. This will open a page that shows the user information that was entered previously as well as
a Password field. Here you should enter the password you wish to set and enter it in the
“Confirm password” field as well. Then select “Save”.
9. Please note: All notifications come from an unmonitored account. Do not reply to any

Add Me To An Existing Case:
1. If you need to be involved in a case that already exists in the system, you can submit a
request to be added. PLEASE NOTE: If you are representing a party, you must still file a
formal notice of appearance (see page 8, Work With This Case), in any matter in which you
submit an Add me to an existing case request.
2. Sign in to the Electronic Filing System.
3. Select Add me to an existing case under What do you want to do? in the left-side column.
4. To complete the request form, you must know the Docket Number of the case and provide
an explanation for why you are requesting involvement. Once the form is complete, click
5. Requests to be added to a case are NOT AUTOMATICALLY APPROVED. Requests are queued
for review by the Recorder. Once your request has been reviewed, you will receive an email
letting you know if it has been approved or rejected. If it is approved, the case will now
appear in your Active Cases list.

Forgot Username or Password:
1. If forgot your password, you will need to select the tab “Request new password” on the login
2. Enter in the username or email address associated with the account’s password you forgot.
Complete the correct Captcha information. Select “E-mail new password”.
3. An email will be sent with a one-time link for a password reset. Click the link in the
email and reset the password.

Work With This Case:
1. Once you have an account in the Electronic Filing system, you will be able to view and work
with all your active cases. The Active Cases tab gives you a list of all cases you in which you
are currently involved.
2. Under each Active Case you have the choice of View Case Details or File A Document.
3. View Case Details will allow you to see documents that have been filed, participants that
are on the case, and persons that are assigned to the case.
4. From this page, there is the option to Add Documents to the case by using the green “Add
Documents” button.
5. The “File A Document” link will take you to a page that allows you to upload one or multiple
documents to the case that you are on.
6. Click on the “Add Files” button, select one file from your computer/device to be uploaded,
and upload the file;
7. If that is the only file you want to add click on the “Submit” button to add the document to
your case;
8. If you have additional files to upload, click on the “Add Document” button and repeat the
above steps until you’ve uploaded all your documents; then click on the “Submit” button to
add them to your case.

1. Go to the “View Case Details” drop down in the “Select Actions” menu of the My Existing
Cases page.
2. Navigate to the “Documents” tab of the Case Summary panel.
3. Select the blue magnifying glass icon to the right of the document that you want to
4. This will download the document to your computer browser. You will need to navigate to
your downloads to view the document