United States Postal Service Judicial Officer Department

Electronic Filing System


Welcome to the US Postal Service Judicial Officer Department's NEW Electronic Filing System


Use the links in the upper-right corner of this page to create a new account ("Register") or to sign into your existing account ("Login").

IMPORTANT: If you had an account in the previous Electronic Filing System (JusticeWeb), you already have an account in this new system, and you don’t need to register for a new one. You should have received a welcome email on July 22, 2024 from the USPS Public Portal with the subject line “Welcome to the New Judicial Officer EFiling Portal.” To reset your password, use the link in the email and follow the instructions.

If you did not receive an email but are using the same email address, click on “Login” and select the “Request new password” tab. Fill in the username or email that you used in the previous account click on the “I’m not a robot” box, and then click on “E-mail new password.” The system will then send an email to the address associated with the old account. Follow the instructions in that email to set a new password. You only have to follow this procedure once. Once you’ve done that, you will be able to log in to the new account directly from this page.

If you did not receive the email because you no longer have access to the email address you used to sign up in the old system, contact judicial@usps.gov. Our office will contact you with further information.

Once you sign in you can file a new case, ask to be added to an existing case. Requests to be added to an existing case are not processed automatically but are reviewed individually by the Recorder’s Office. You may not therefore request involvement in a case and file a document at the same time. If you are facing a short deadline for filing a document, you may file documents by mail until your request to be added to the case is approved. or work with cases in which you are already involved. Click here to access and download detailed instructions for using the system.


Legal Notice: By logging in to the Judicial Officer Department's Electronic Filing website with your user name and password, you are consenting to the electronic filing of any case or document you submit. You also agree that your typed signature on any document you file has the same effect as a handwritten signature.


Privacy Act Statement: The information and documents you supply in connection with any case, whether through this website, by mail, or by facsimile, will be used for case management, evaluation, and administrative purposes by the Judicial Officer Department. Unless otherwise ordered by the presiding judge or hearing official, the documents will also be available to any other party to the case. Providing information is voluntary, but if not provided, the Judicial Officer Department may not be able to process the pending case. Collection of information is authorized by 39 U.S.C. § 204 and 39 C.F.R. Parts 951 - 966. In addition, Initial and Final Judicial Officer Department Administrative Decisions are publicly available (after redaction of Social Security Numbers or equivalent non-publicly-available personally identifiable information) on the U.S. Postal Service public website, usps.com. Opinions of the Board in Board of Contract Appeals cases are publicly available on the U.S. Postal Service public website and through commercial case reporting services. Except as indicated above, we do not disclose your information to third parties without your consent, except to facilitate the request, to act on your behalf or request, or as legally required. This includes the following limited circumstances: to a congressional office on your behalf; to government agencies; to financial entities regarding financial transaction issues; to a USPS auditor; to entities, including law enforcement, as authorized by law or in, or incident to, legal proceedings; and to contractors and other entities aiding us to fulfill the service (service providers). For more information on our privacy policies visit www.usps.com/privacypolicy.